Tuesday, April 5, 2022
Sr. Mary Hogan was a wonderful, compassionate person who ahead of her time. My family (11 children) moved to Amherstburg in 1966 from Michigan. One of my brothers had a severe learning disability. The local school board told my mother that they didn't have a program that was suitable for my brother. Imagine being told the school wouldn't provide an education for your 10 year old son. A family friend contacted Sr. Mary Hogan, who was a friend of his. Even though my brother didn't fit the criteria for admittance to Glengarda, Sr. Mary Hogan created a program just for him. He attended Glengarda for 3 years. Her kindness and foresight made a world of difference to my brother. He received an education designed specifically for him that helped to shape the fine man that he is today. He went on to complete high school, received certification in auto body mechanics, and to work for many years at Chrysler's in Windsor. He has 3 children and 4 grandchildren. Thank you Sr. Mary Hogan!! You made a difference and you left this world a better place.